CIShell Manual : Facebook Mutual Friends


This algorithm analyzes your Facebook friend network. The only input for this plugin is the access key, which is generated by the Facebook Access Token plugin. After authenticating and grabbing the data, the plugin will return a CSV with every single connection between you and your friends, and your friends and your mutual friends. Along with these pairs, the algorithm also produces a count how how many common events a pair attended, and how many mutual friends that pair has.

Pros & Cons

  1. Average users of Facebook will most likely not hit the Facebook API limit.
  2. The structure of the output data is very simple and always complete. This algorithm makes it a breeze to visualize a Facebook connections network. 


This plugin could be used to generate a network of connected friends. In conjunction with the Facebook Friends Data, a user could come up with some very interesting network parameters as well.

Implementation Details         

This algorithm uses a URL query to ask Facebook for information about your friends. The data is then added to a structured CSV. The plugin is included with the Sci2 application. It can be found under File > Facebook > Facebook Mutual Friends along with the rest of the data generators. 

Usage Hints

The plugin can be found under File > Facebook > Mutual Friends. Aside from the plugin location, the steps are exactly similar to the Facebook Friends Data plugin. Instructions found here under Usage Hints.