CIShell Manual : Extract New ISI Keywords by Year

Menu Path

Data Preparation > Database > ISI > Extract New ISI Keywords By Year


Documents in ISI datasets will often specify a publication year and a set of keywords that were assigned by ISI. Thus, it can be inferred that certain keywords will have been used x many times in certain years.

This algorithm extracts the keywords, years they used by documents included in the given dataset, and how many works they were used by in those years out of an ISI database from the Keywords Table. The result is a table that consists of the following columns:

  • Keyword: The keyword.
  • Type: The type of keyword (which will always be "keywordsPlus" for this algorithm).
  • Year: One of potentially several years the keyword was used in the ISI dataset.
  • Count: The number of works in the ISI dataset that used the keyword in the corresponding year.
Usage Hints

Load an ISI file into the tool, then create a database from it using the ISI database loader.

Implementation Details

The specific query run by the tool can be found in the source code.