CIShell Manual : Extract Document Bibliographic Coupling Network

Menu path

Data Preparation > Database > ISI > Extract Document Bibliographic Coupling Network


Extracts the document bibliographic coupling network from an ISI database.

Each document in the input database is represented by a node. An edge is drawn between the nodes for two documents if and only if they cited a common reference.


The output network will include the following summaries of your dataset:

  • Node (Document)
    • A prettified label identifying this document.
    • A prettified string identifying the journal (or other source) of this document (called 'source').
  • Edge (Co-Citation)
    • The number of common references between these two documents.
      • This figure is also given with three common normalizations: Jaccard, cosine, and Dice.
Usage Hints

Load an ISI file into the tool, then create a database from it using the ISI database loader.

Implementation Details

The specific query run by the tool can be found in the source code.

See Also

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