CIShell Manual : Extract Co-PI Network

Menu path

Data Preparation > Database > NSF > Extract Co-PI Network


Extracts the co-principal-investigatorship network from an NSF database.

Each principal investigator from each awardin the input database, including main PIs and co-PIs, is represented by a node. An edge is drawn between the nodes for two PIs if and only if they co-investigated an award in the database.


The output network will include the following summaries of your dataset:

  • Node (PI)
    • Number of awards investigated in your dataset.
    • Total of amount across investigated awards.
    • Start date of the earliest award.
    • Expiration date of the latest award.
  • Edge (Co-investigatorship)
    • The number of awards co-investigated by the two connected investigators.
    • The joint award amount total between the connected investigators.
Usage Hints

Load an NSF file into the tool, then create a database from it using the NSF database loader?.

For a quick analysis of a small dataset you may wish to merge together investigator entities with identical names. For a scientifically sound analysis of a larger dataset, you can create custom merging orders and perform the merge.