CIShell Manual : Extract Authors


Extracts a table containing one row per author in the database.


'Extract Authors' contains various standard fields from the People Table.

'Extract Authors' also produces the following additional columns:

  • 'PAPERS_AUTHORED_IN_DATASET': The number of papers this person authored in the dataset. Note that to 'author' a paper means to be one of the (potentially many) authors on a given paper.
  • 'GLOBAL_CITATION_COUNT': The total number of times the person's in-dataset papers have been cited in ISI. Note that a person's total number of citations will be under-represented to the degree that that person's papers are not included in the dataset.
  • 'LOCAL_CITATION_COUNT': The total number of times this person's papers have been cited by other papers in this same dataset. This is in contrast with 'GLOBAL_CITATION_COUNT', which also includes citations from papers outside the current dataset. Note that accurate local citation counts require the Match References To Papers cleaning step to have been performed prior to this extraction, which in turn relies on proper author and journal cleaning (see Merge Identical ISI People, Suggest ISI People Merges, and Merge Document Sources).
Usage Hints

This algorithm will only be as accurate as the author disambiguation performed on the dataset. See Merge Identical ISI People and Suggest ISI People Merges.

Implementation Details

The specific query run by the tool can be found in the source code.