Cyberinfrastructure Shell News:

Mar 2nd, 2007 - CIShell 0.4.0 Release

CIShell 0.4.0 has been released! This release adds better Mac OSX (x86) support, much improved visualizations, and bug fixes. You can download this release at sourceforge.
Feb 7th, 2006 - We're going to EclipseCon!!

The Cyberinfrastructure Shell will be presented at EclipseCon 2007! This is the first time the project will be presented at an industry conference. The demo page is here.
Dec 20th, 2006 - CIShell 0.3.0 Release

CIShell 0.3.0 has been released! This release adds full Mac OSX support, a brand new algorithm Scheduler GUI, expanded windows executable support for batch files, some small GUI improvements, new visualizations and fixes to old ones, and many bug fixes. You can download this release at sourceforge.
November 27th, 2006 - Updated Intro Paper

The CIShell Introductory Paper has been updated. It is now 3 pages long, but also includes information about Network Workbench and the NWB Community Wiki.
October 30th, 2006 - CIShell 0.2.1 Release

CIShell 0.2.1 alpha has been released! This release adds some new features, displaying of algorithm meta-data (for giving credit to algorithm writers and those involved among other uses), and bug fixes. At this stage the Cyberinfrastructure Shell is definitely usable. We hope to have an algorithm integration guide up soon. You can download this release at sourceforge.
October 17th, 2006 - CIShell 0.2.0 Release

CIShell 0.2.0 alpha has been released! This release adds multi-step automatic data conversion, converters to support GraphML, XGMML, and Pajek file formats, File/Save and File/View, lots of bug fixes, and many useful algorithms and datasets to evaluate cishell with. The next release will be on October 30th, 2006. You can download the release at sourceforge.
October 10th, 2006 - CIShell Intro Paper Available

A short (2 page) CIShell introductory paper is now available. It serves as a quick high level introduction to the technology of CIShell to try and convey its usefulness.
October 2nd, 2006 - CIShell 0.1.0 Release

CIShell 0.1.0 alpha has been released! There are many features integrated, but more are on their way. This software is released as alpha software mainly intended for algorithm integrators to test their algorithms. There are no useful algorithms included in this release, it is simply an empty shell. On October 16th, 2006 we will have several algorithms available for download to evaluate the merit of CIShell. On October 30th, 2006 we will have a full release. You can download the release at sourceforge.