CIShell Manual : Extract Top Nodes


Given a graph with a numeric attribute on its nodes, sort the node of the graph by the provided numeric attribute, and return the graph with only the top N nodes. Any edges connected to removed nodes will be removed as well.

  • Extract N top nodes - Determines how many of the top nodes we want to keep.
  • Ascending? - If Ascending is selected (which it is by default), we sort the nodes such that the greater values are at the top. If ascending is not selected, we sort the nodes such that the least values are on top. Essentially, if ascending is de-selected, we take the bottom N nodes instead of the top N nodes.
  • Numeric Attribute - Determines which numeric node attribute is used to sort the edges. If no numeric attributes are present on the graph's nodes, the algorithm cannot be run.

Can be used for a variety of purposes, for instance if we want to only keep the top 100 most populous cities in a graph of U.S. cities.

See Also

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